Deklan told me last night that I have too many jobs and neglect him and his sisters. Excuse me??? Remember that I'm a stay at home mom - I do not work outside the home. My "jobs" are PTO president at one school, PTO member at another, Girl Scout leader, and volunteer when needed. My life practically revolves around him and his sisters. I go to the meetings once a month just so I can talk to adults. He said that I needed to quit one of the PTO's because I didn't have enough time for him. He said I didn't watch family movies with him anymore; that I don't cook enough for him; that I sleep too much on the weekends and leave "other people" (a.k.a. daddy and/or sisters) in charge of him who won't let him do what he wants to do - which I do occassionally catch a nap, but usually he is completely occupied with other things and he's never unattended. It was kind of funny, but he was completely serious. So, we were in the car running errands at this point, and I was planning on taking him and Hayleigh (Dakota was at a school dance) to McD's playplace while we were out. I told him, "Wow, I guess we shouldn't stop at McD's then... I should take you home and cook for you... I don't want to neglect you... so, yeah, we'll just go on home and I'll cook something." He said, "No, No, you wouldn't be neglecting us... it would be ok if you took us to McD's... that's not neglecting us, really." Too funny!
What else? Oh yeah - cut my hair... what do you think?
Had a busy day today. Hayleigh had play practice for the church play first thing this morning. From there it was directly to a Girl Scout event. Our Girl Scout troops, along with Boy Scouts, got to participate in the "Royal Flush" at the new Intrust Arena in town. Basically, we were all assigned to a bathroom. On count down everyone flushed a toilet or turned on a faucet. The idea was to see if there was any over flowing or if everything went well. As far as I know... everything went well. Then I had enough time to drop the girls off at home, change clothes, and get to a GS luncheon for the leaders. It was fun - we had a Christmas sock exchange this year. That was different, but still fun. Then it was back home to get the fam and head out to the store. Dakota's bike had to be returned... rode it down the block and the chain messed up. Took it back but couldn't find a replacement at the first store... 3 stores later we found what we were looking for. Actually had dinner out tonight - that was a nice change. Tomorrow will be just as busy. It starts out with Hayleigh needing to be at the church at 8:20 a.m. for acolyte, play at 9:40, lunch, etc., play again at 6:00 p.m.
Both of my girls have birthdays in the next two weeks. Yep, my oldest becomes a teenager! So hard to believe that 13 years ago I was extremely pregnant with my oldest. 13 - waaaaaah! My middle baby will be 11! That's almost as bad.
That's the catch up for now. If I'm not back on soon... Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Holidays, Season's Greetings, or however you celebrate during the holidays.
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